Winter Salon, Espace Cez’art

Gathered around Cambou, president of the association "Le clin d'oeil cévenol", creator of multiple inspirations, mosaic artist Chantal Giraud, photographer Iréna Gauthier, painters Delphine Devillers, Jean-Louis Fantino, Christiane Gattus Dany Jullian, J. Bertrand de Libreville, Odile Bron, Pierre Denille, Denise Mayere, Huguette Pinna-Chevrier, Françoise Schad, Gisèle Vidal, and artits more difficult to classify, Martina Westover; Claude Bagarry and Blaise Muller as well as the two sculptors David Hoyal and Jean Claude Caparros showcase personal techniques and styles.

Date de fin
Espace Cez'art

Nature inspires me.

I look around me, I learn and I develop an inner life filled with unknown landscapes, always a reflection of nature. These inner landscapes remain enigmatic for me. It is by a groping intuition that I try to get them out of me.