Les dernières actualités

  • Exposition

  • Exposition

    Martina, a member of the local association, Clin d'oeil Cévenol is participating in the next collective exhibition of this association in the PP  Courtial Hall in Rochessadoule from May 6 to 7.

    Vernissage: Saturday May 6 at 6 p.m.

    Martina, who is embarking on clay sculpture will show her first clay works and collages on the theme of the collective exhibition, "All Roundness". For over a year, she has participated in the clay workshops of the Kaoline association in Bessège, led by Pascale.

  • Exposition

    Gathered around Cambou, president of the association "Le clin d'oeil cévenol", creator of multiple inspirations, mosaic artist Chantal Giraud, photographer Iréna Gauthier, painters Delphine Devillers, Jean-Louis Fantino, Christiane Gattus Dany Jullian, J. Bertrand de Libreville, Odile Bron, Pierre Denille, Denise Mayere, Huguette Pinna-Chevrier, Françoise Schad, Gisèle Vidal, and artits more difficult to classify, Martina Westover; Claude Bagarry and Blaise Muller as well as the two sculptors David Hoyal and Jean Claude Caparros showcase personal techniques and styles.

    Espace Cez'art
  • Exposition

  • Exposition

    I participated in this exhibition, called "Offerings" with three other artists during the Night of Churches this year initiated by Annie Combon, even if I am not a Catholic. But I do agree that churches open their doors for cultural events.

    The Night of the Churches, initiated by the Church of France, is a cult and cultural event included in the summer landscape of the dioceses since 2011, enjoying national recognition, and in which several hundreds of participants participate each year. churches.



    Eglise de Robiac
  • Exposition